Message from Robert

Dear Helen Paul Learning Center parents and families,

I am writing to make you aware that we have received word from the Oklahoma State Department of Education that we must add a distance learning day on Friday, April 28, to the calendar for Helen Paul Learning Center. This instructional day will make up for the closure we had due to a water line break on Tuesday, November 1.

Each year, the State of Oklahoma requires that all school districts provide a minimum of 165 instructional days for students. This requirement is one of many that school districts must meet in order to maintain accreditation by the Oklahoma Department of Education. School districts do have some flexibility in this particular requirement for emergencies such as inclement weather days or other significant events that would prevent a school from opening safely. The Catoosa Public Schools calendar is designed to meet this requirement.

While I believe that the school closure in November was necessary due to the lack of access to water in the building, the State Accreditation Office has notified me that it does not meet the definition of an emergency.

I ask for your support in helping Helen Paul Learning Center to make up this instructional day with a distance learning day on Friday, April 28. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In service, 

Robert Schornick
Catoosa Public Schools